It's enraging, Dahlings, but after a time, Blogger ceases accepting my pinged entries. To follow the UNINTERRUPTED tale in its entirety, you must join me at my Typepad blog. So sorry for the inconvenience!
This is a novel I'm writing on Twitter. It's all in fun. It's supposed to be cheesy. If you enjoy it, great. If not, also fine, but there's no need to be rude. I hate trolls and will not publish nasty comments. "Free Speech" laws do not apply here. This is my domain!
Sunday Music
It’s the Sunday before the next ddm (damndarkmorning, as coined by
Savannah), and of course I am ready for the glorious driving experience.
Nothing happene...
The Little Wax Doll
Okay. *Mr. Karswell* played nice in our previous post, and yeah, you all
loooved the happy ending and cutsie wootsie cuddly kooties, --but! It's a
new mo...
Winter Wonder Tale - a novella
Winter Wonder Tale (Pinevale Valley Book 6)
a novella
On Sale Now
Rage Alexander Ledford, an alpha werewolf, has lost his pack. His only clue
is an e...
bed sheet clips
bed sheet clips bed sheet clips
[image: bed sheet clips]
With our bed sheet fasteners, simply attach each set of clips under each
corner of your mattress...
Billy F'n Gibbons: "She's On Fire"
*William Frederick Gibbons (born December 16, 1949) is an American rock
musician who is the guitarist and primary vocalist of ZZ Top. He began his
Meet the Mythos Mob
Portrait of Professor Cthulhu copyright Waldkunst
The Netherworld is a place of acceptance and tolerance. Unfortunately, the
true crime novels penned by P...
the meaning of the meaning of meaning
[image: background graphic by SRS for new blog Pandemonium]
Attention all followers of Cosmic Rapture out there (yes, I'm talking to
both of you): Pandemoni...
The Hazy History of Cie and Mal: Bon's Bright Idea
Image by Natalia Soleil
*Natalia and Soleil are among the hard-rocking Succubi hoping to grab a
piece of *
*Malcolm Young's tail*
*Fortunately or unfortu...
Places to find me!
I have changed just about all my profile names and such since I was last on
here so here's a recent update about places you can track me!
NG4J and Lafayette
Here's a blast from the past featuring a 2010 photo of Lafayette the Cat
with members of the NG4J Crew. Clockwise from the bottom are Dr. Doo Doo,
me (Em...
So I'm 4 days away from the end and halfway towards my goal of raising the
printing costs of my new magazine VACZINE through crowd sourced
fundraising. Ins...
I have been under so much pressure and stress I feel like I am bursting at
the seams! Pressure creates diamonds right? Just got to keep hanging in
*Capacity *
Think of your LIFE as a BOAT. The rules and guidelines of every boat have
this key word that is a matter of life or DEATH: *CAPACITY*....
Infrared camera snaps thief stealing underwear A WOMAN used an infra-red
camera to film a man stealing underwear from her clothesline in Melbourne's
inner ...
Lighthouse Legends
I’m sure I’ve been to the St. Augustine Lighthouse, maybe 15 years ago. At
the time I don’t think I knew it was haunted, but it is, so Greg Jenkins of
the ...
Bringing Bedlam to the Bijou!
It's no secret that I love movies. Especially horror movies. And like
anyone who loves something, my greatest joy comes from sharing that love
with othe...
Kenny Penny the Helpful Rooster
Me and Virgil-Joe is jest the luckiest folks in all of Ruralia County! Our
ole rooster, Kenny Penny, loves nothin' better'n ter brew up a fresh pot o'
Netherworld Scientists: Miggs Monkey
Miggs Monkey is Dr. Schitz' new lab assistant. He is taking over while the
doctor, Nurse Violent, Dr. Daria, and Cpl. Dietrich are in the future,
fucking ...
Many Happy Returns: Our Final Post
[image: Tales from the Crypt poster]
As announced back in March, today will be the last day that updates. After today, the site will rem...
*Gentle Reader,*
*After much thought, I have decided that it's time to shut down Billy Loves
Stu for a bit. *
*It might be for a week, it might be forev...
Art Graffiti Pictures 23
[image: Art Graffiti]
Art Graffiti PicturesArt Graffiti
[image: Art Graffiti]
Art Graffiti PicturesArt Graffiti
[image: Art Graffiti]
Art Graffiti PicturesAr...
The Reformation of Wolfshausen
Teil Fünfundneunzig
To hear Actonbell read the final episode, gather up before the angel.
Or, you can read this episode among the Wisteria.
The whole...
Jinx Speaketh
One of (if not the) most evilly influential women in music is now on
Jinx Dawson, "irreverent, erotic, fiendish Left Hand Path Ceremonial
I feel like crying
*Mr wonka today wanted me to write about how i was feeling on this blog.
but i made a promise to someone about something i know and am struggling to
For The First Time ever RK and Rohnny Reaper agree on a thing! our pick for
you this week is Shutter Island!
RK says, watch it for the sake Leonardo Dicap...
Last post
This is my last post on grow-a-brain. Thanks for the nearly 20,000,000
visitors who checked in during the 7 years I blogged here. I can be found
at my new,...
PETA says: meat is not green
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has launched a new
campaign called Meat is not green and they are spot on the mark this time.
The statem...
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