Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hey Westboro Batshit Cult

Here are some "horns" just for you!

You can protest at the funeral of Ronnie James Dio, trying to ride his coattails to get some attention to your pathetic cult of hate.

You can walk around carrying signs saying that "God hates fags" and "thank God for dead soldiers." 
All this proves is that you are incredibly twisted by your vile hatred of everything and everyone.
I never thought I'd say this because this statement usually comes out of the mouths of reactionaries who believe that anyone who disagrees with what's going on in the United States is a "commie," but if you hate America so much, get the hell out. Nobody wants you here.
If your god is the one who is passing judgment, I would spit in his face. I would not want to go to a heaven that allowed your hateful ilk in. For me, that would be hell. And hell would be heaven because all the cool people would be there.
I am at a loss for words at how much venom spills from these fools. 
Their attitudes resemble a certain other group of lowlife losers that I despise.

Just back from molesting little boys behind the outhouse

I apologize to Ronnie James Dio for including his picture in a post that contains pictures of this other filth. I love you, Ronnie. Your music and your attitude were both inspirational. You kept a troubled teenage girl from harming herself many a time, and your imaginative musical tales kept me wanting to continue writing even though I've become kind of jaded. I can only hope that these scum do not cause your family too much pain during your send-off. You are more loved than they are hated, and that is the truth. 

Love always to one of my creative and personal heroes,

and to the Westboro Batshit Cult and the KKK:
Kiss my ass


forestofthedead said...

Love this post. Paying great tribute to a man who means so much to you while condemning truly appalling groups of people. You rock.

Tempest Nightingale LeTrope said...

Thank you, my friend! And may I say, you rock as well!