Dahlings, the light bulb has gone on! I thought it had burnt out, but nay, there is still juice enough to produce an idea or two. I just realized that with this Posterous system, I can publish posts to multiple blogs, including multiple Blogger blogs! So now you can find me in multiple places. Choose one or more to follow the Tempest!
She is waiting to consume your soul. Quick! The lead pipe!
The original post appears at the Cracked.com website. These are my insightful and wise thoughts.
I think if the lead pipe thing were combined with the indigo children we could achieve some balance. Breast feeding school aged children, however...just...no. Seriously--no. I'm all for nursing babies--the key word there being BABIES. But seriously, once they've had their kindergarten graduation, it's time to stop.
I really don't know how "orgasm" and "childbirth" can be used in the same sentence. I was in so damn much pain when I was giving birth that I did not ever want to have sex again because I didn't want to have that particular end result again. I eventually had to be knocked out and they had to do a c-section. So, pleasurable? The exact opposite end of the spectrum.
Some people really must live on a different planet. I wish they'd go back to it and take their late breast feeding indigo children with them. Then I might not have such a strong desire to carry a lead pipe with me wherever I go.
This was always the image that came to mind when someone said the word "hockey."
If you'd said "women in hockey," I would have thought of something like this.
Oh, foolish me. Of course I should have known. In our not at all sexist society, in which women who point out things that are sexist are berated for trying to kill the boys' fun, this is what is meant by women in hockey. Please--forgive me for thinking that women might have actual skills and talents rather than being simply tits and ass.
I always loved the fact that hockey didn't subject me to the ridiculous phenomenon of scantily clad cheerleaders.
Oh...but now they have Ice hoes girls.
Yes, I said it.
All right, if you're going to have ice girls, why not get some Ice Guys out there too? I'm sure most straight women would prefer to see guys in skimpy costumes rather than females. If having scantily clad cheerleaders is such a great idea, why is it completely one-sided? Oh, because it's catering only to the male fans. Which is, in fact, sexist. This gal said it better than I did. I'm just ranting. I don't want my favorite sport mucked up by slutty-looking (whether they are slutty or not in their behavior, they look slutty) cheerleaders.
I also love the straw man argument that always comes up whenever someone mentions that using women as eye candy in situations such as this is sexist. If the person making the charges of sexism is female, someone automatically argues that said complainant must be "fat and ugly." Because, of course, all conventionally attractive females are okay with being objectified. If the complainant is male, he must be homosexual. Because, don't you know, all straight guys see women only as tits and ass.
As well, whether or not the woman arguing sexism is fat and perceived as ugly or the man arguing sexism is homosexual really does not matter. They have made a potentially valid point regardless of their physical appearance or sexual orientation.
When you bring out the straw man, you automatically appear to be of lesser intelligence. What you are really saying is "I like having women be used as eye candy, and I don't want to examine the fact that there may be a problem with this."
The problem with the scantily clad cheerleader trope is that it perpetuates the idea that this is all women are good for. The guys ogling these women would not want someone treating their mother or sister as pieces of ass, I am sure. It perpetuates the outdated Madonna/Whore concept. It also teaches young boys that it's okay to see women as there for only sexual pleasure. It teaches young girls that their worth is measured only by their ability to be perceived as "hot."
The message being sent, in essence, is that no matter how much good a woman may do in the world, her true worth is only in her sex appeal. This renders older women, plain women, modest women, plump women, women with boyish bodies, and women who may have been disfigured by either birth defects or an accident all "worthless" in the eyes of our sexist society, no matter what they may otherwise achieve.
A woman may be an excellent mother. She may be a brilliant scientist. She may be a skilled surgeon. She may be a talented artist. She may be a great chef. She may be an adept leader. She may be a wonderful teacher. She may be a compassionate caregiver. She may be a fantastic athlete. But none of these things matter in the eyes of a society that values "hotness" above all else. And this is the problem that I have with the "Ice Girls" and other such groups, who are there only to appeal to the adolescent urges of certain males.
I think that this is the one and only cheerleading routine I've ever enjoyed watching. Yes, the costumes are somewhat revealing, but they're actually dancing, not just being eye candy. And the addition of the guys brings some much needed balance to their act.
http://ping.fm/gkdZZ via @causes This is sociopathic behavior, pure and simple. Sometimes I wish we could mete justice an eye for an eye. justice 4 bingo
Friday, April 6, 2012
Check out Tides From Nebula – White Gardens http://ping.fm/YAS9J via @lastfm And I leave you with this pleasant song.
Check out Collapse Under The Empire – The Last Reminder http://ping.fm/5xzR9 via @lastfm This would be great movie music! I love to write to this stuff.
Check out Maybeshewill – Not for Want of Trying http://ping.fm/StB4F via @lastfm
Check out If These Trees Could Talk – The Sun Is In The North http://ping.fm/N7E8o via @lastfm
Check out Novembers Doom – What Could Have Been http://ping.fm/iFN0T via @lastfm What could have been...alas, I fear I ponder such bullshit far too much.
Check out Daylight Dies – Dead Air http://ping.fm/eTECv via @lastfm Despair driven hooks are what I need right now.
Dahlings, life is a bit dreadful right now. I think a little doom metal on khel666 is fitting. http://ping.fm/4GZri or on Facebook.
I think it's pretty damn pathetic when this creates "a firestorm of controversy."
How is this controversial? This is nature! I have a lot more problem with having huge silicone-enhanced breasts being continually objectified than I do with a photo of a mother feeding her baby.
Am I the only one who finds this Luvs commercial where the babies compete to see who can fill their diaper the most disturbing/disgusting?
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Sometimes it's terribly amusing to look into the Spam folder and see all the offers I get for penis enlargement.
Check out The Muppets – Popcorn http://ping.fm/BS7mu via @lastfm The Muppets Go Progressive
Check out Fountains of Wayne – Hey Julie http://ping.fm/6GBC2 via @lastfm Fountains of Wayne even make me smile, Dahlings!
Check out Barenaked Ladies – Jane http://ping.fm/zJHb2 via @lastfm If you watch the video you will see the Barenaked Ladies--Barenaked!
Check out Jonathan Coulton – You Ruined Everything http://ping.fm/CGGvV via @lastfm I've got a couple of unlovely people I'd like to dedicate this one to.
Check out The Dead Milkmen – Peter Bazooka http://ping.fm/JCOAq via @lastfm Some Funny Punk to make you smile!
Check out Atlanta Rhythm Section – Champagne Jam http://ping.fm/YgVGO via @lastfm I remember the first time I heard this, I thought it was so cool. Still is!
Dahlings, I am absolutely, positively befuddled as to why the Story Pings (tweets) did not show up in this blog but they did show up at KHEL 666 and my Typepad blog. Only the music links showed up here!
They're making me do a Word Verification on this blog, but not on KHEL 666--and I actually put more posts through to KHEL 666! Go figure!
Ugh--I was unaware that the blog of a former backstabbing frenemy was still in my blog list. But never mind, I have fixed it, Dahlings. And I will never again be so desperate for friends that I will allow such vile people to remain in my life. Anyone who is not a real friend will be removed with the rubbish--simple!
It's sad that this sort of thing happens even at my less than tender age!
Christina Aguilera has developed a more voloptuous physique in recent years, and some have felt that it is okay to bash her for gaining weight. But Christina says that she feels fine about being bigger and it isn't a problem for her.
"As long as I'm happy in my own skin, that's all I need, that's all the confirmation I need. I'm happy where I am, I have a boyfriend that loves my body, I love my body, my son is healthy and happy. That's all that matters," she said.
She is absolutely right about this. So many people are dreadfully shallow, and it is encouraged. Who the hell cares what someone's body type is? We should be judging people based on their character, not on their size. Anyone who thinks it's okay to bash people for being a certain size really needs to get a life.
It's enraging, Dahlings, but after a time, Blogger ceases accepting my pinged entries. To follow the UNINTERRUPTED tale in its entirety, you must join me at my Typepad blog. So sorry for the inconvenience!
This is a novel I'm writing on Twitter. It's all in fun. It's supposed to be cheesy. If you enjoy it, great. If not, also fine, but there's no need to be rude. I hate trolls and will not publish nasty comments. "Free Speech" laws do not apply here. This is my domain!
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