Sunday, April 18, 2010

How About Some Respect?

This is Not a Video Game or Movie Character

Maybe Tempest is terribly naive, but she thinks that it would be simple common decency if people would not exploit the very real photo of the above fellow's suicide. She thinks that doing so is not only disrespectful to him and the rather severe psychological difficulties he struggled with in his short and rather miserable life, but is as well disrespectful to his surviving family members. From the statements that have been made by his siblings, they did care about him and to be in danger of being exposed to that image on any given day thanks to the lack of thought on the part of even those who claim to be fans of his is a terrible thing indeed.
It seems to Tempest that people treat this dreadful photograph as if it were a scene from a movie. The young man was not in fact utilizing special effects, Dahlings. He had truly taken his own life. The individual in the photograph is not going to get up and walk away. Just because someone was callous enough to take this photograph does not mean that everyone else should be callous enough to continue to exploit it.
Tempest has the feeling that this young gentleman did not feel that anyone particularly cared about him during his life. Cannot we at least have the common decency to show a modicum of respect for his memory?
I enjoy black and death metal myself. But do let us evolve beyond the attitude that any gory image should be splattered about without regard for the suffering of whoever or whatever is being photographed. 
May you find peace, dearest Spooky Fellow.